
How to clean a chimney without a brush – Top easy ways

how to clean a chimney without a brush

So how to clean a chimney without a brush. Assuming you’ve made sure your roof is safe and comfortable, place a ladder near your home. Fill your bag with a chimney brush and extension pole, hang it over your shoulders, and head upstairs.  If you’re intimidated by the thought of climbing a ladder or standing on a roof, use the following methods to clean the bottom of your chimney. If you’re not sure about the quality of your roof, or if your roof is pitched and you’re not sure it’s going to be balanced, use another method. Assemble the brush and a length of pipe. Attach the first tube to the brush. Insert the brush into the chimney. Move up and down to start cleaning the chimney. Add another length of pipe so you can extend the brush further up the chimney. Continue in this manner until you have cleaned the entire chimney. If you are using the rope and weight method, attach a weighted rope to the brush. Holding the end of the rope, lower the brush into the chimney. Sweep up and down the entire length of the chimney.

So there is so many ways that you can clean your chimney. But doing it without a brush is sometimes can be very hard. Or it can be very expensive it based on what way you going do your work. If you clean it using water and soap without a brush it can take so much time. You can start it in the morning and finish it at nigh or it can even get worse. It can may be take days. If you go other way doing it expensively that means you need to buy proper electronics that can be so much expensive.

How to clean a chimney without a brush – Tips

Remove brushes and extension cords or disconnect power cords. Pack your supplies in your bag and go downstairs. Clean the bottom of the chimney. Use a small wire brush to clean the bottom of the chimney that you may have missed with the brush. Determine if the chimney needs cleaning. Chimneys should be cleaned at least once a year, or more often if you use your fireplace frequently. 

Grab a flashlight and look inside the fireplace. Use a pencil or plastic knife to scrape off some of the creosote that has built up on the walls of the chimney. It can be thick and you only need to clean chimney once a year. But the bet way is doing it on fall before winter. . Otherwise, you risk catching fire when you first light your fireplace in winter.

Check the fireplace for animals. If you’ve used your fireplace for a while, check it for bugs before you start cleaning it. Birds, squirrels and raccoons love to nest here, especially during the cooler months. Put a lantern in the fireplace chimney and arrange to remove it if you spot an animal. Measure your chimney. To clean the chimney, you need to use the right size tool. Measure the side of the chimney from the bottom through the fireplace. You can also go up the stairs and measure from the top. Determine the size and shape of the chimney. It will be square or round, 6 or 8 inches. Determine the height of the chimney. If you’re guessing, it’s a good idea to reassess if there’s enough extra rope or pipe to ensure that the chimney brush can span the entire length of the chimney.


Buy a chimney cleaner. Visit a hardware store and purchase the following items to prepare your chimney cleaning. Chimney brush, wire or plastic. Use the size of your fireplace to buy the correct size. Chimney brush extensions help you clean your entire chimney. Alternatively, you can purchase weighted ropes designed to work with chimney brushes or sheave systems.

Small hard wire brush. Tarps or plastic sheeting for home use. If you plan to clean the chimney from top to bottom, the ladder is high enough to reach the roof.Broom and dustpan. Dust mask and goggles.

How to clean a chimney without a brush – Final steps

Dress appropriately. Please wear old clothing don’t wear new once. Cover your hair with a scarf. You can wear work gloves to protect your hands. Wear a dust mask and goggles to prevent soot from getting into your mouth and eyes. Get ready to clean your home. Wrap a rag or tarp around the fireplace and extend it a few feet into the living room. Cover the furniture with a light cloth using a bed sheet or tarp. Ditch your expensive rugs. Remove the flue damper. Find the damper handle inside the chimney and clean it with a small wire brush. Unwrap it from the chimney and place it on a paper towel so it doesn’t interfere with the chimney brush when cleaning the chimney.

So this is all i got say about cleaning your chimney. There is two ways that you can do this in this article. This way you can do this easily and fast. So bye for now i will see you guys soon.

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