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How to keep a relationship secret

How to keep a relationship secret

So today we are starting to talk about how to keep a relationship secret. Most people want their relationships to be private. But they don’t know how to do it. So today I’m going to teach you how to do that easily. So Forbidden fruits are the sweetest isn’t it right.yo still don’t believe me. You can ask Eve she is one of us that loves it.  She traded the forbidden fruit for the garden of Eden. So Secret relationships are more like forbidden fruits. You know it’s not right but you can’t avoid it. Someone will almost think it is that forbidden to hide things from friends and family. But unfortunately you do it anyway isnt im right. Mainly because it is one hell of an escape from the reality and our little fantasy world. Thats the truth that we don’t want to hear. Let me explain.

So when a new relationship is kept as a secret to the world. The more excitement is even gets more and more. We  Don’t even get started on the adrenaline rush. What happens when we see our partner. So When we see our partner in public and act normal. But we do that while thinking of how just the other day we screamed his name in ecstasy. We remembering the entire same scene in  the public. But we act like everything is okay isn’t it correct. While we all can think of is dissing our closest friends secretly. For another great episode of hot steamy love. Name better foreplay if you can. That im not telling the truth here. That’s way that humans work we cant even keep secrets. Or we cant let others keep their secrets. It is so hard keep something secretly in this society isn’t it.

How to keep a relationship secret – explained

So what’s more we can tell about this situation. So  is that secret relationship strengthen our intimacy. But there are no outsiders or family members. Its  just you and your partner that sneaking around and having a good time. For a fact keeping our relationships a secret gives us enough time to know each other. And also we can make informed decisions. Based on our feelings without getting interrupt or influenced by friends and family. Isn’t that great there are no ones to bother the relationship. We can make our own decisions easily. Whatever, if we want a public relationship, and your partner-to-be wants his own privacy. You guys  don’t even bother going into a secret relationship. On your love life. Because if both you want to do different things it might not work pretty well.that will effect to both of you.

Secret relationships are hard work. But If the idea of secret relationships appeal to you and your partner too . And you both wants to give a try or you are already in one. this is the way to do. Here are 2 ways to have a secret relationship with your partner. Best way to keep a secret is to keep it permanently in your mind. So a secret shared is a secret lost. If you’re absolutely sure you trust your partner too then fine. These days  you must be aware of all the other paths you can be find. Firstly do not make any electronic contact of anything. No phone calls, Skype, emails, two-way radio, messaging via secure phone apps, nothing. You too must arrange all meetings in more strictly verbally in their immediate aware that were your lips can not be read by others so far .

Communication with your partner

So if you want your relationship to be secret from your family and friends. The first thing you need is effective communication to keep it all secret. This is not a decision to be made by one partner. You both guys need to talk in open mindly about the relationship. You both need to see it as a special form. And you both guys need to discuss actively. And also talk about everything clearly. The does and not to do of the relationship beginning to start. Effective speaking goes a long way in determining the future of  a secret relationship.  You both need to Ask questions about anything or whatever you guys are confused about. That’s the way to success in a secret relationship. The way to start is by doing this easily.

So if you think that acting in public is a stupid or dumb thing it’s not. If you ask if you can pat him on his back in public just do it it’s alright. It’s not recognizable as a relationship thing. If this  way is a success in your relationship. The partner can be your lifelong partner. so ask. Make sure that they also give permission to keep your relationship secretly. Being humble is the success to all.

Social media 

This is another main thing that you need to do when it comes to a relationship on social media. If you want other people to know that you’re in a relationship you can post your love memories. Or selfies or you can ship together in your social media. But if you guys want a secret relationship the best thing to do is not posting photos together. In social media rumours can get to people faster. It can harm your relationship, that’s the actual truth. Best thing to do is keeping social media away from your relationship. This is one of the main keys to keep relationship secretly.

I explained about How to keep a relationship secret. I think i gave you some ideas. So see you soon.

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