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How to paint a mural on a brick wall

How to paint a mural on a brick wall

We will show you “How to paint a mural on a brick wall?” Mural is a beautiful and unique painting method. It can add color and life to private and public spaces. As well as they can increase dark spaces with the unique designs. Today we can see manyartists to paint murals. If you are a new one for that art, it will be some difficult tasks. However, all of you can try this within a good guidance. So, in this article we are trying to give you some trick and advice to paint a mural on a brick wall. So, make a wish to read this continues and keep in mind about all the methods and steps.

How to paint a mural on a brick wall? What do you need?

Before painting a mural on a brick wall inside or outside you must supply all the necessary things first. So,what do you need? Brushes, roller, smooth paints, rags, paper towels, a bucket of water for cleaning brushes, string for measuring or using as a guideline and a stepladder. Here the most important thing is brush. We can see there are several types of brushes in the market as larger ones and smaller ones and flat edged and chisel tipped. As well as if you use enamel and acrylic latex paints you should need varied sizes of brushes. And a sponge roller will help to cover the large surface using a single color. Further your brushes and paint depend on the mural is inside or outside. So, we think you must have a good awareness about the paint and the areas you wish to paint.

How to paint mural on an indoor brick wall? Step by step guideline

How to paint a mural on a brick wall? Here you should find the most suitable paint for indoor walls. You can use spray paint. But make sure the room is well ventilated. However, any concrete or brick walls are giving the best results with any kind of paints. After found the best paint you have to prepare the wall for painting. Make it into a smooth, clean canvas. Remove the chips, holes or other imperfections while covering with masking tape. After that,usea roller to paint the whole surface and dry them before going to the next step. It will be around overnight even. Scale your design for your detailed mural design. For the fastest way you can scale it with an access projector. If you do not have it use gride method. According to this method you can split your design into proportional squares on the wall.

Next step is, outline the large shapes. Now you have a prepared wall. Next you can start the painting process from the large spaces. Here look at it from a distance while going to step back away from the wall regularly. When you are looking at them work up close it can be easy to get the perspective or sizing wrong. After these steps you can add further layers of details. In that case you should do it after the paint dried. However, for the painting the details you can get help from a smaller chiseled tip brush. Finally, within your effort you can finish your painting task on the indoor wall.

How to paint a mural on an outside brick wall?

How to paint a mural on a brick wall? In the above we mentioned the painting process on an inside indoor wall. As well as outside wall painting also is similar to painting inside. But usually outside walls are bigger than inside one. In addition of this you should consider the weather condition because you are ready to paint at outside. We suggest you work in the cooler morning and evenings as it is possible time to do it. first you should prepare the wall. It is more important than inside walls. Here you must clean the wall using brushes and water to remove all the dust, cobwebs, or any other dirt on it. If you have an exceptionally largewall, it will be effective only the using area first only. And here we suggest you use industrial level paints that are self-priming.

When you are painting the outside wall after the above steps you can go to next step. As the indoor wall’smethod, you should scale the design next. Follow the same steps to take that as those outlined above for indoor walls. When you have some experiences for that you can easily success it. However, after scaled the design paint the larger shapes using roller. Next let them dry. As the most important fact we mention and suggest you always go with all the steps properly. Then you can get your unique and amazing mural on the outside and inside walls. After painting the large spaces, you can seal your wall. This also an important part with outside walls. Add some protection coat for protecting your outside painting with weather. You can use acrylic emulsion or spray varnish for that task.

How to paint a mural on a brick wall? Bottom line

We are discussing everything you need to know about the painting murals the question on “How to paint a mural on a brick wall?” So now you will have a basic knowledge about the entire process. Furthermore, according to the painters experience we suggest you avoid using chalk or charcoal for laying out the grid lines because they could cause finish coat adhesion problems. So, you must use a carpenter pencil to that. As well as you do not rub off the paint will cover the pencil marks when you use them. And you do not draw solid grid lines. It is suitable to draw straight piece of lumber and draw intermittent marks. Not only that but also use only excellent quality of brushes for a good coverage and finish. You can get advice about them from professional artist. Finally, we think these ideas will help you much. 


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